Kottayam District has two Revenue divisions viz., Kottayam and Pala, each under the control of a Revenue Divisional Officer. Vaikom, Kottayam, Changanassery, Meenachil and Kanjirappally are the taluks in the district. There are four municipalities, 11 development blocks and 73 panchayats. Kottayam, Vaikom, Pala and Changanacherry are the municipalities. Madappally, Pallom, Ettumanoor, Kaduhturthy, Vaikom, Uzhavoor, Lalam, Erattuppeta, Kanjirappally, Vazhoor and Pampady are the development blocks

The first 100% literate Municipal City in India
Municipal Office, Kottayam, Kerala, South India. Pin: 686 001
Tel : (0091-481) 566667, Fax : (0091 -481) 567358
Co-operative Sector
The Co-operative sector plays an important role in intensifying the growth of agriculture and development of rural economy in the district There are 760 Co-operative establishments in Kottayam. The District Co-operative Bank and its 39 branches, have a deposit of Rs.150 crores. The Sahithya Pravarthaka Sahakarana Sangham a unique co-operative venture of authors & writers, is in Kottayam. It publishes and markets books, in the Co-operative sector.
District Co-operative Bank
In the district, there are 138 Primary Agriculture Co-operative societies and seven Co-operative Marketing societies with Rubber Processing facilities.
Social Welfare
There are five integrated Child Development Projects in this district (at Madapally, Lalam, Pampadi and Kanjirapally) which come under the Social Welfare Department. There are also two daycare centres at Karappuzha and Kallara. Besides these projects a Central Urban Social Nutrition Programme for children is also being carried out.
The Revenue Department, State Housing Board and Co-operative Housing establishments have launched various housing schemes through out the district, mainly for the benefit of the weaker sections. The State Housing Board is constructing 400 houses at Kanjikuzhi, Gandhinagar, Changanassery, Pala, Erumeli and Velloor under its public housing scheme. A project for completing more than 600 houses under Rajiv Million Housing Scheme, is also in progress. Housing scheme for scheduled caste and scheduled tribe colonies are also being implemented under special Component plan and Tribal Sub plan. Kottayam District Nirmiti Kendra, a government agency to propagate cost-effective techniques of house construction, is also at the service of the people. The production centre and the Administrative office of Nirmiti Kendra is at Poovanthuruthu, 6 kms away from Kottayam town.
Rubber Board
The Indian Rubber Board, Constituted under the Rubber Production and Marketing Act - 1947, has its headquarters at Kottayam. The Board has been implementing various schemes from 1957 onwards, for expansion and modernization of Rubber Plantation industry in India.
With the financial assistance of Rs.445.21 crores from the World Bank, the Board is moving ahead with new plans and projects. The Board gives aid to farmers as cash incentives, plant insurance schemes, distribution of agricultural materials including crop seedlings and promotion of fencing and irrigation facilities.
As a part of advisory and extension services, the Board runs Rubber tapeping training schools. It has also set up seven processing and eight trading companies in Kerala to strengthen the Rubber Producers Societies. Another important institution associated with the Board, is 'The Rubber Research Institute of India' (RRII) which has eight categorical divisions of detailed study and research. The Institute is located on a hillock at Puthuppalli, 8 km east of Kottayam town.